Agency Mission
The Governors Office of Regulatory Reform (GORR) is broadly charged with
the oversight of State regulations and the provision of information on
regulatory requirements.
Year-to-Year Change
The Executive requests $4,093,000 in State Operations General Fund
appropriation for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2001-02. This amount includes
$44,000 net increase in salary adjustments, $250,000 to accommodate the
Agency's planned move to Agency Building One and $499,000 appropriation
request for the continued funding and development of the On-line Permit and
Licensing System (OPAL).
Legislative Changes
Eliminate personal service for this program.
$(2,661,000) ST/GEN
The Assembly makes a commensurate reduction in personal service to reflect
the elimination of the Agency.
Eliminate nonpersonal service for this program.
$(1,432,000) ST/GEN
The Assembly makes a commensurate reduction in nonpersonal service to
reflect the elimination of the Agency.
Legislative Proposals
The Assembly eliminates funding for the Governor's Office of Regulatory
Reform (GORR). The Assembly transfers the small business permit
responsibilities of GORR to the Department of Economic Development's Small
Business On-Line Permit Program.