2004 Yellow Book | |||||
Backward | Forward | Cover | Overview | Agency Summaries | Agency Details |
Adjusted Appropriation 2003-04 |
Executive Request 2004-05 |
Change |
Percent Change |
General Fund | 293,463,000 | 290,983,000 | (2,480,000) | -0.8% | |
Special Revenue-Other | 27,976,000 | 29,972,000 | 1,996,000 | 7.1% | |
Special Revenue-Federal | 149,463,000 | 153,578,000 | 4,115,000 | 2.8% | |
Capital Projects Fund | 9,085,000 | 9,154,000 | 69,000 | 0.8% | |
Mental Hygiene Capital Improvement | |||||
Fund-389 | 27,750,000 | 27,750,000 | 0 | 0.0% | |
Total for AGENCY SUMMARY: | 507,737,000 | 511,437,000 | 3,700,000 | 0.7% |
![]() * 2003-04 and 2004-05 reflect Executive recommended appropriations. |
Fund |
Current 2003-04 |
Requested 2004-05 |
Change |
General Fund: | 846 | 853 | 7 |
All Other Funds: | 105 | 105 | 0 |
TOTAL: | 951 | 958 | 7 |
Budget Highlights |
The Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) administers a statewide system of chemical abuse prevention, early intervention and treatment services, provided in various inpatient and outpatient settings. Each year, approximately 263,000 patients receive chemical abuse treatment services from over 1,300 agencies across the State that are licensed and regulated by OASAS. The agency also provides funding support to 300 chemical abuse prevention agencies that identify and develop programming for persons exposed to known risk factors. In addition to its licensing and regulation functions, OASAS is responsible for providing leadership and advocacy in the field of chemical dependency. OASAS continues the process of forging a single, consolidated and coordinated chemical dependency treatment system out of what had been two separate alcohol and substance abuse treatment and prevention systems. OASAS has restructured Medical Assistance (Medicaid) support for treatment of chemical dependency by developing a consolidated fee for outpatient chemical dependency services, as well as a new Medicaid fee for non-hospital based detoxification. |
The Executive proposes transferring the Compulsive Gambling Education and Treatment Program from the Office of Mental Health to OASAS in order to consolidate responsibility for treatment of addictive disorders within one agency. The Executive proposes to introduce legislation to equalize the Medicaid fees paid to free-standing Methadone Maintenance Treatment Programs with fees paid to hospital based programs. Nine counties currently participate in a Managed Addiction Treatment Services Demonstration Project: Albany, Broome, Dutchess, Erie, Nassau, Onondaga, Suffolk, Ulster and Warren. The Executive recommends further expansion of the demonstration to as yet unnamed counties. |
For State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2004-05, the Executive requests funding to support 958 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff positions to provide oversight and technical assistance to community-based service providers, as well as to provide direct care services at the 13 State-operated Addiction Treatment Centers (ATCs) located statewide. The ATCs annually provide inpatient services to approximately 7,000 persons who require intermediate term care after completing a more intensive acute care treatment phase, provided in community hospitals. The Executive projects no change in staffing levels at the ATCs. |
This agency is included in the Health and Mental Hygiene appropriation bill. |
State Operations |
The Executive proposes an All Funds appropriation of $76,582,000, a net increase of $57,000, or 0.07 percent. This change reflects decreases in General Fund appropriations for Executive Direction and Institutional Services offset by increases in Special Revenue-Other funding in the Patient Income Account and the Federal Salary Sharing Account. |
Aid To Localities |
The Executive proposes an All Funds appropriation of $397,951,000, a net increase of $3,574,000 or 0.91 percent. This increase is due to a net increase of $4,127,000 in Federal Block Grant allocations for chemical dependence prevention, intervention and treatment programs. |
Major General Fund actions include: |
Capital Projects |
The Executive proposes an All Funds Capital appropriation of $36,904,000, a net increase of $69,000 or 0.19 percent. Appropriations for capital improvements to voluntary operated community chemical dependence treatment facilities remain level at $31,560,000 while appropriations for the State-operated system are increased by $69,000. |
Article VII |
The Executive proposes to increase the Medicaid fees paid to free-standing methadone maintenance treatment programs to the same level as fees paid to hospital-based programs. |
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