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A05681 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
SPONSOREnglebright (MS)
COSPNSRGreene, Sweeney, DiNapoli, Eve, Weisenberg, Colman, Seddio, Green, Eddington
MLTSPNSRAbbate, Cahill, Cohen M, Colton, Cook, Cymbrowitz, Davis, DelMonte, Destito, Diaz, Farrell, Galef,Glick, Hikind, Hooper, Kaufman, Koon, Lavelle, Levy, Lopez, Matusow, Mayersohn, McEneny, Millman,Ortiz, Perry, Pheffer, Sidikman, Stringer, Wright
Amd S2410, Pub Health L
Adds ten people who have or have had breast cancer, to be appointed by the governor and legislative leaders, to the health research science board, increasing the board voting members to twenty-one persons.
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