WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2023                                         11:26 A.M.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The House will come

                    to order.

                                 In the absence of clergy, let us pause for a moment of


                                 (Whereupon, a moment of silence was observed.)

                                 Visitors are invited to join the members in the Pledge

                    of Allegiance.

                                 (Whereupon, Acting Speaker Aubry led visitors and

                    members in the Pledge of Allegiance.)

                                 A quorum being present, the Clerk will read the

                    Journal of Tuesday, May 23rd.

                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Thank you, Mr.

                    Speaker.  I would like to move to dispense with the further reading of


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    the Journal of Tuesday, May the 23rd and that the same stand


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Without objection, so


                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, if I could

                    have members' attention, we'll share the schedule for today.  I first

                    want to begin with a quote, however, sir.  This one is from Maya

                    Angelou, and it basically is saying to us today, "You may not control

                    all of the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be

                    reduced by them."  Again, these words are Maya Angelou's.

                                 Members have on their desk a main Calendar, and we

                    also have a debate list.  After any housekeeping or introductions, we'll

                    be calling for the Rules Committee to meet in the Speaker's

                    Conference Room.  That's going to produce an A-Calendar which

                    we're going to take up today on consent.  We will also be calling for

                    the following committees to meet:  Housing, Transportation,

                    Corrections and Ways and Means.  Colleagues, if you heard a

                    committee that you're mentioned on, don't wait until it's called to be

                    over in the Capitol in the Chamber area.  Please be available when it's

                    time for those committees to meet.  We will take up the following

                    bills on debate on the debate list:  We're going to start with Calendar

                    No. 121 by Mr. Magnarelli; followed by Calendar No. 179 by Ms.

                    Paulin.  There probably will be a need to make additional debate list

                    announcements, but we will get to that when we have that

                    opportunity.  Members should also note that all the Calendar


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    resolutions are going to be taken up at the end of the day.

                                 I think that's a general outline of where we are for

                    now, Mr. Speaker.  If you have housekeeping or introductions, now

                    would be a great time.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  We have no

                    housekeepings, however, we do have an announcement from the

                    Chair.  The sad, but proud, the New York State Legislative All Stars

                    fell to defeat last night --


                                 -- to the Lexington School, only by, as Mr. Kim will

                    say, only by the margin.  We lost it in the 4th quarter.  Gallant effort

                    by everyone who participated, great fun, and the young people who

                    were here with us yesterday had a great time and they went home,

                    again, with our revolving trophy, which appears to revolve only for

                    them, but not for us.


                                 But again, thanks to all who participated and those of

                    you who came to watch us in that event.  Our appreciation.


                                 Ms. Buttenschon for the purposes of a introduction.

                                 MS. BUTTENSCHON:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for

                    the opportunity to interrupt our proceedings to introduce some

                    outstanding individuals on behalf of Assemblymember Sillitti and

                    Assemblymember Ra and I.  Our internship program is a great

                    program, and from that program, Samantha Corrigan has been a part


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    of this, and her family is here today visiting the Capitol to see the

                    outstanding work that's accomplished.  With her is her family, as well

                    as the Honorable Justice Corrigan from the 10th Judicial District


                                 So on behalf of the Assembly, I would ask that you

                    would provide them with the cordialities of the -- of the Chamber.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Certainly.  On behalf

                    of Ms. Buttenschon, the Speaker and all the members, we welcome

                    you here to the New York State Assembly, extend to you the

                    privileges of the floor.  Thank you so very much for sharing this day

                    with us, congratulations to those of you here with us.  Please continue

                    the great work that you're doing and know you always have friends

                    here in the New York State Assembly.  Thank you so very much.


                                 Mr. Simpson for the purposes of an introduction.

                                 MR. SIMPSON:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  I'm happy

                    to introduce 19 fifth-grade students from the Willsboro Central School

                    District, led by their teacher, Miss Tara Valachovic, and their

                    chaperones, Carol Valachovic and Morgan Gibson-Conley.  I had the

                    privilege of visiting the Willsboro School District and meeting with

                    these wonderful students earlier this year.  The students have been

                    learning about the role of government, and during my visit they were

                    able to ask very inquisitive and civically-minded questions.  I believe

                    that for many of these students, this may be their first time in the New

                    York State Capitol.  Their willingness to come and engage with their


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    State government and learn about history at such a young age is both

                    exciting and encouraging.

                                 Therefore, Mr. Speaker, could you please welcome

                    these excellent students, their teacher, their chaperone to the People's

                    House and extend them the cordialities and privileges of the floor?

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Certainly.  On behalf

                    of Mr. Simpson, the Speaker and all the members, we welcome this

                    extraordinary class of students here, and your teachers and your

                    advisors here to the New York State Assembly, extend to you the

                    privileges of the floor, encourage you to continue your interest in

                    government, hoping that some day in the future you may hold one of

                    the seats here on this floor and you will be a part of making the laws

                    for the State of New York.  Thank you so very much.  Continue your

                    advancement as students in your world.  Thank you so very much.


                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes for the purposes of a


                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, if you

                    would please call the Rules Committee to the Speaker's Conference


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Rules Committee,

                    Speaker's Conference Room immediately, please.

                                 Page 14, Calendar No. 121, the Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A00252, Calendar No.

                    121, Magnarelli, Cook, Steck, Peoples-Stokes, Lupardo, Fahy,


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Seawright.  An act to amend the Election Law, in relation to requiring

                    that all printed political campaign mailing pieces containing or made

                    of recyclable material include a message about recycling the printed


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Mr. Magnarelli, an

                    explanation is requested.

                                 One minute, you have a little competition behind you.

                                 (Ice pack popping)

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  There ya go.

                                 VOICE:  Sorry.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Okay, well...

                                 VOICE:  I have an injury.

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  He's friendly, he's friendly.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  I could have used

                    that last night, but...


                                 Proceed, Mr. Magnarelli.

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  That -- that was one way to

                    start.  The bill requires that all printed political campaign mailing

                    pieces containing or made of recyclable material have affixed to it the

                    recyclicing [sic] -- recyclicing [sic] -- yeah, good -- recycling logo of

                    three chasing arrows in a triangular configuration, and the following

                    printed message:  This material is recyclable -- recyclable.  Please

                    properly recycle after use.  That's it in a nutshell.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Mr. Goodell.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 MR. GOODELL:  Thank you.  Would the sponsor


                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  I sure will.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  The sponsor


                                 MR. GOODELL:  Thank you, Mr. Magnarelli.  Now,

                    this recycling symbol and the statement that this material is recyclable

                    is required if any part of the political brochure or mailer includes

                    recyclable material, correct?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Correct.

                                 MR. GOODELL:  But isn't it true that you can

                    contain recyclable material in a mailer that itself is not recyclable?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  I don't know how.  Usually, I

                    see brochures come in the mail with the -- the address is affixed right

                    to the piece that is being mailed.  Are you talking about putting

                    something in an envelope?

                                 MR. GOODELL:  Well, as an example, you might

                    use recyclable plastic in a product that is a political mailer that is --

                    and the political mailer itself is no longer recyclable even though it

                    used recyclable materials, correct?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  This is -- no.  This is only for

                    mailings that are made of recyclable materials.

                                 MR. GOODELL:  I see.

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  So if you're putting it into a

                    plastic bag, the plastic bag is not recyclable.  That doesn't have to have


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    all of this on it, obviously, because it's not recyclable.

                                 MR. GOODELL:  All right.  And if you don't use

                    recyclable material, then you don't have to put this --

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Correct.  That's it.

                                 MR. GOODELL:  All right.  Thank you very much.

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Thank you.

                                 ME.  GOODELL:  On the bill, sir.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  On the bill.

                                 MR. GOODELL:  Many of us, of course, are very

                    familiar with political mailings since many of us spend a lot of money

                    on them.  And I would certainly encourage all my colleagues, to the

                    maximum extent possible, to use mailings that contain recyclable

                    material or are themselves recyclable; however, the irony is that if you

                    don't use any recyclable materials or if you have a political mailer that

                    itself is not recyclable, you don't have to put all this extra language on

                    it.  And so the irony is that this bill actually discourages the use of

                    campaign material that contains recyclable material because all of us

                    know those mailers often lack space.

                                 The second issue that I have, and though I certainly

                    support the sponsor's desire to publicize that we're using recyclable

                    materials, all of us can put that symbol on if it -- if it is recyclable.

                    We don't need a law telling us to advise the voters that we're being

                    environmentally sensitive, we can do that on our own.

                                 But the third problem is that this bill provides that if

                    the mailer contains recyclable materials, we have to put that symbol


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    and that language on the mailer, even though the mailer itself might

                    no longer be recyclable, depending on how it's printed or composed or

                    what the final composition is, which means we'd be obligated by law

                    to say recyclable mailer when it's actually not recyclable.

                                 So while I certainly appreciate and fully support

                    using recycled materials as much as possible, I think it would be a

                    mistake for us to adopt a law that requires extra language and extra

                    burdens on those who do what we want them to do, while not

                    requiring this extra language on all other mailers.  For that reason, I

                    won't be supporting it, but I most assuredly appreciate my colleague's

                    desire to promote recycling.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Mr. Angelino.

                                 MR. ANGELINO:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

                                 On the bill.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  On the bill.

                                 MR. ANGELINO:  So, I had not even planned to

                    speak, and my colleague to the right probably summed it up pretty

                    well.  But it was just a matter of hours ago, I finished breakfast and

                    my yogurt cup, I flipped it over, I saw what I think the sponsor called

                    the self-chasing triangle.  And my muscle memory made me go to the

                    recycling container and dispose of that properly.  The -- that recycling

                    symbol with a number inside of it is pretty much ubiquitous.  It's -- it's

                    like approaching a stop sign.  Your muscle memory knows exactly

                    what to do.  And if we have to -- I'm -- I'm not against the -- the

                    symbol being on any material, political or not, it's just that the


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    wording takes up space, and like my colleague alluded to, this may

                    cause people to rethink using recycled material when that space is at a


                                 So I -- I agree that we should be recycling it, I think

                    the symbol all by itself does the job without the text.  I will probably

                    be voting in the negative on this.  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Mr. Norris.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  Will the

                    sponsor yield?

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Will the sponsor



                                 Will the sponsor yield for some questioning?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Yes.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  The sponsor


                                 MR. NORRIS:  Thank you, Mr. Magnarelli.  I have a

                    couple of questions.  Is there any size requirements in terms of the


                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  No.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  So it could be very tiny where I

                    definitely would need my readers?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Yeah.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  Okay.  And then are there any

                    penalties in the event that a candidate or political organization does


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    not place this phrase and the recycling symbol on the material?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Other than, you know, maybe

                    a little embarrassment if somebody points it out that you didn't do it.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  But no monetary penalty or anything

                    like that?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  No.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  All right.  And my next question for

                    you is, you know, we -- in this Chamber, I know many of us send out

                    very important information to our constituents in terms of

                    governmental mailings.  Does this apply to our own House and to the

                    mailings that we send out from the Assembly and other governmental


                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  I -- I believe these -- these

                    only are political campaign mailings, that's all.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  That's it.  So --

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  That's it.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  -- we're not -- we're not applying the

                    rule to our own House where we send out, you know, all types of


                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  No, but I could put one in if

                    you'd like.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  Well, maybe -- maybe you should do

                    that, then.  It would nice if you could apply it actually to our House on

                    the mailings that we do, as well as the political mailings.

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Okay.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 MR. NORRIS:  Great.  Thank you, Mr. Magnarelli --

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  You're welcome.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  -- for answering my questions.

                                 Mr. Speaker, on the bill.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  On the bill.

                                 MR. NORRIS:  Thank you very much.  Again, I just

                    would like to raise a couple of things.  First of all, we all know that

                    when you receive material, oftentimes you recycle it.  And I know the

                    constituents where the voters do that very, very quickly.  So again, I

                    think putting this actual phrase on there with the symbol is just

                    overburdensome on the candidates.  People in the State of New York

                    know to recycle, and we already are having a difficult time trying to

                    get our political message, our First Amendment right, out to the public

                    and to express our concerns.  And for that reason and also that we are

                    not applying this same standard to our own governmental mail right

                    here in this House, which would also include brochures and the types

                    of things you would hand out at festivals and fairs, including our

                    mailings, I think is hypocritical and I think it should be incorporated

                    also in this bill.

                                 For those reasons, Mr. Speaker, I will be voting in the

                    negative and I encourage my colleagues to do the same.  Thank you,

                    Mr. Speaker.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Ms. Giglio.

                                 MS. GIGLIO:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  Will the

                    sponsor yield?


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Will the sponsor


                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Yes.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  The sponsor


                                 MS. GIGLIO:  Thank you.  So who is going to notify

                    all of the printing companies that this is a new requirement, and are

                    there any penalties associated with it and, if so, who pays the

                    penalties, the candidate or the printing company?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Okay.  It's up to the candidate

                    to tell the printing company what they want on their brochure, so it's

                    the candidate.  And no, there are no penalties.  I've already answered

                    that question.

                                 MS. GIGLIO:  Okay.  So future candidates, how

                    would they know that they have to tell their printing company when

                    they're running for office?

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  They should -- they should

                    know the laws that are on the books that are dealing with elections.

                                 MS. GIGLIO:  Okay.

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  Okay.

                                 MS. GIGLIO:  Thank you for the answers.

                                 MR. MAGNARELLI:  You're welcome.

                                 MS. GIGLIO:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Read the last



                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect in 180 days.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  A Party vote has

                    been requested.

                                 Mr. Goodell.

                                 MR. GOODELL:  Thank you, sir.  For the reasons

                    mentioned by my colleague, the Republican Conference will generally

                    be in the negative.  Those who support it are certainly welcome and

                    encouraged to vote yes here on the floor.  Thank you, sir.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Mrs. Peoples-


                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Thank you, Mr.

                    Speaker.  The Majority Conference is going to be in favor of this piece

                    of legislation.  There may be a few who would desire to be an

                    exception.  They should feel free to cast their vote at their desk.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  The Clerk will

                    record the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Thank you, Mr.

                    Speaker, for allowing me the opportunity to interrupt our proceedings

                    for the purposes of an introduction.  On behalf of our members

                    Chantel Jackson, Amanda Septimo and Latoya Joyner, we would like


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    to -- to ask you to acknowledge their New York City Councilwoman,

                    Althea Stevens.


                                 She serves the 16th Council District, including the

                    neighborhoods of Morrisania, Concourse Village, Highbridge and

                    Morris Heights in the Bronx.

                                 Mr. Speaker, would you please welcome this

                    distinguished young lady to our Chambers?

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Certainly.  On

                    behalf of Ms. Jackson, Ms. Joyner, the Speaker and all those in the

                    New York State Assembly, we welcome you, Council Member, to the

                    People's House.  Thank you so much for joining us today.  We hope

                    that you enjoyed today's proceedings, and we hope to invite you back

                    here in the near future.  Thank you so much.



                                 SPEAKER HEASTIE:  I also want to welcome both

                    of my Council Members who happen to be here.  One carries about 80

                    percent of my district and the other one covers about 20 percent.  So I

                    wanted to officially welcome my two Council Members, Councilman

                    Kevin Riley and Councilman Eric Dinowitz.


                                 Councilman Riley used to be an intern for me, as

                    well, so he's gone on to bigger and better things.  But I want to

                    welcome the two Council Members to the Chamber.  I hope you


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    enjoyed your visit.  The privileges of the floor are yours, and come

                    back and see us soon.  Thank you again for being here.


                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Mr. Goodell for

                    the purpose of an introduction.

                                 MR. GOODELL:  Thank you very much, Mr.

                    Speaker.  I am proud to introduce on behalf of Assemblymember

                    Chris Tague, the Catskill Elementary School 5th grade class.  They're

                    here with their chaperones and teachers observing the New York State

                    Legislature in action.  So if you would welcome the Catskill

                    Elementary 5th grade class to our Chambers and extend our

                    hospitality to them.

                                 Thank you, sir.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER ZACCARO:  Certainly.  Behalf

                    -- on behalf of Mr. Goodell and Mr. Tague, the Speaker and all the

                    members, we welcome you today to this Chamber.  We extend to you

                    the privileges of the floor.  We hope that you enjoy today's

                    proceedings.  Thank you so much for joining us.



                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, would you

                    please call the Housing Committee to the Speaker's Conference

                    Room, immediately?

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Certainly.  Housing


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Committee, Speaker's Room immediately.

                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Thank you, Mr.

                    Speaker, for allowing me to interrupt our proceedings yet again.  We

                    have another guest in our Chambers with us.  He's the guest of our

                    Member Manny De Los Santos.  He's the Council Member from the

                    7th District in Manhattan, including Washington Heights and

                    Hamilton Heights, Shaun Abreu, Council Member Shaun Abreu.


                                 Where is he?  There he is.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On behalf of the

                    Speaker and all the members, sir, we welcome you here to the New

                    York State Assembly.  We extend to you the privileges of the floor.

                    We know the hard work you do in the City of New York.  Please

                    continue that great work.  We are always pleased to have you as a

                    colleague and a friend.  Thank you so very much.


                                 Page 18, Calendar No. 179, the Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05981-A, Calendar

                    No. 179, Paulin, Seawright.  An act to amend the Business

                    Corporation Law and the Limited Liability Company Law, in relation

                    to requiring certain companies and corporations to report certain data

                    regarding the gender, race and ethnicity of their employees.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Ms.

                    Paulin, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023


                                 An explanation is requested, Ms. Paulin.

                                 MS. PAULIN:  Absolutely.  The bill requires certain

                    corporations and companies to report employee data regarding gender,

                    race and ethnicity to the Department of State.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Ms. Walsh.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  Will the

                    sponsor yield?

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Will you yield, Ms.


                                 MS. PAULIN:  Yes.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Ms. Paulin yields.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Thank you very much.  So, the form

                    that needs to get filled out by some of these corporations and LLCs is

                    called the EEO-1; is that correct?

                                 MS. PAULIN:  Yes, it is.

                                 MS. WALSH:  All right.  And that's been around

                    since 1966, I believe.  What -- which corporations and LLCs need to

                    fill out the EEO-1 and file it with the -- with the -- with the Federal


                                 MS. PAULIN:  It's the same as we've specified in our

                    bill, which is private sector employers with 100 or more employees,

                    and Federal contractors with 50 or more employees.

                                 MS. WALSH:  If the information is already required

                    to be filed with the Federal government, why does it also need to be


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    filed with the State government?  Isn't that duplicative?

                                 MS. PAULIN:  At the Federal level, the information

                    is not accessible to the public, and if -- so one of the key reasons that

                    we are asking for it to also be submitted to the State in the exact same

                    form is so that it would be accessible to the public.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Why -- why do we need to have this

                    information accessible to the public if it's accessible to the Federal


                                 MS. PAULIN:  I'm not sure what the Federal

                    government does with it, but what the public wants from it is to be

                    sure that when they invest in a company they are -- because many

                    people are looking at investments differently now, and they're looking

                    at it not solely -- you know, if they have one company and another

                    company equal in terms of its return to them, they also are looking at

                    it from lots of socioeconomic perspectives, and this would provide

                    that data so that they can make that kind of decision.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Okay.  So I believe, but I'd like your

                    thoughts on this, it's my information that the Federal government does

                    in some way make this information available from -- from

                    corporations and LLCs, but they -- they publish it in an aggregated

                    format.  So it's -- they might be talking about all -- out of all the

                    respondees that filed the form, this is how the gender, race, ethnicity

                    and job type is -- is done.  So it does seem as though the public would

                    have information in an aggravated -- ag -- yeah, aggregated, not

                    aggravated -- aggregated format, but you're saying that this is to assist


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    investors --

                                 MS. PAULIN:  Yes.

                                 MS. WALSH: -- who may wish to make more

                    specific determinations?

                                 MS. PAULIN:  Yes.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Okay.

                                 MS. PAULIN:  So obviously, you know, if you're --

                    there are many funds you could buy that have aggregated stocks, you

                    know, we know about that.  But many investors do buy individual

                    stocks, and if they want to make a decision between, say, IBM or

                    AT&T or Verizon and Con Edison, they would have an additional

                    sense of what the company is all about.  And that -- so they would

                    understand the diversity of the company, the gender, the race.  You

                    know, the -- the Federal government deems that important

                    information, but it doesn't allow those people who are making the

                    financial decisions able to see it to make the decisions that would

                    drive those companies to do a better job in that respect.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Okay.  And, let's see, so the thing is is

                    that the information that's been, as I said, required since 1966, there's

                    been a longstanding history of confidentiality and privilege as far as

                    each individual company.  Is there a penalty for a corporation or an

                    LLC that doesn't file this information?  Is it optional or is it


                                 MS. PAULIN:  The -- if you're in a certain category,

                    you're already filing it with the Federal government and you're taking


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    that exact same copy -- we amended the law, it was vetoed last year.

                    Some of the business groups were opposed to the fact that they

                    thought they had to do something different.  We went back to them,

                    worked with them and they said if it was merely a copy that they

                    would support the bill, and so we did that so that it's not duplicative.

                    And they don't seem to have -- I haven't heard from one business

                    entity that they're upset about it or confused about it or think it's a

                    burden.  And so, you know, we think that, you know, if a company's

                    proud of those -- those data points, they're going to want to send it in,

                    and for those who aren't, they're going to be encouraged to make

                    changes because they know that investors are going to be taking a


                                 MS. WALSH:  Very good.  Well, the information that

                    I have is that both the Business Council and the NFIB are opposed to

                    the bill, but I -- I will double-check to see if that is --

                                 MS. PAULIN:  I haven't gotten memos this year.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Okay.  That -- that may have been

                    information from before the amendment was made.  That's -- that's

                    important.  Okay.  Thank you very much, I appreciate it.  Thank you,

                    Mr. Speaker.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Thank you.

                                 Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect in 730 days.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  A slow roll call has

                    been requested.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 The Clerk will record the vote slowly.

                                 Members must come to the Chamber to cast your


                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Once again, members must come to the Chamber to

                    cast your ballot.

                                 Mr. Goodell to explain his vote.

                                 MR. GOODELL:  Thank you, sir.  Last year when

                    this bill came up, I and 41 colleagues voted against it because it

                    required all of our employers to fill out a different form and submit it

                    with the Secretary of State for information that they already submit to

                    the Federal government.  The sponsor has amended the bill to make it

                    clear that a separate report is no longer required, that all the employer

                    has to do is send his Federal report to the State.  And that eliminates

                    the problem that was identified last year of companies having to fill

                    out two separate reports, two separate formats, and it streamlined the

                    process.  And as a result, many of my colleagues will be willing to

                    support this this year, even though they voted against it last year.  Of

                    course it begs the obvious question, in my mind, which is if we

                    already submit all this information to the Federal government, why do

                    we need to submit a duplicate copy to the Secretary of State and then

                    obligate the Secretary of State to expend all the funds necessary to

                    prepare its own report.  So that's going to be a concern for some.  For

                    me, the amendments enable me to support it.  A number of my

                    colleagues will still remain opposed because of the duplication of


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023


                                 Thank you, sir.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Ms. Walsh to explain

                    her vote.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  One minute, Ms.


                                 Members, if you can please take your seats.  Hold

                    down the conversations.

                                 Ms. Walsh.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  So, I was

                    one of those people who did not support this bill in the past, but I will

                    be supporting it today.  I appreciate the amendment that was made to

                    the bill between last year and this year.  I think that it -- it's another

                    piece of transparency that some investors and people may be

                    interested to know.  We know that investors are making decisions

                    more and more based on a company's philosophy when it comes to

                    things like climate.  I -- it's not beyond -- you know, it's -- it's very

                    likely that there are going to be some people that are going to be very

                    interested to know what a company's record is with regard to gender,

                    race, ethnicity and job type.  So I think that -- I think the

                    administrative burden has been addressed in the amendment, I think

                    that it's a good bill and I will be supporting it this year.

                                 Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Thank you, Ms.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023


                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, would you

                    please call on the colleagues who are on Zoom to see what their votes

                    are on this item?

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will

                    contact the colleagues on Zoom, recording their votes.

                                 THE CLERK:  Mr. Hawley, for the record please

                    state your name and how you wish to vote.

                                 MR. HAWLEY:  I am Steve Hawley and I vote in the


                                 THE CLERK:  Mr. Hawley in the affirmative.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Are there any other

                    votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, members

                    have on their desks an A-Calendar.  Mr. Speaker, I'd like to move to

                    advance that A-Calendar.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On Mrs. Peoples-

                    Stokes' motion, the A-Calendar is advanced.

                                 Page 3, Rules Report No. 205, the Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A00124-A, Rules

                    Report No. 205, Solages, Sillitti, Taylor, Epstein, Dickens,


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    González-Rojas, Kelles, Zinerman, Jackson, Lavine, Lunsford.  An act

                    to amend the General Municipal Law and the Public Buildings Law,

                    in relation to prohibiting municipal officers or employees from

                    displaying political advertisements on or within public buildings and

                    various other locations.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A00286-A, Rules

                    Report No. 206, Paulin, Simon, Benedetto, De Los Santos.  An act to

                    amend the Education Law, in relation to enacting the "Safe Schools

                    By Design Act."

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect on the 545th


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, if you will

                    please call the Transportation Committee to the Speaker's Conference


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Transportation

                    Committee, Speaker's Conference Room.  Mr. Magnarelli is awaiting


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023


                                 The Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A00733-A, Rules

                    Report No. 207, Rozic, Reyes, Stirpe, Carroll, Simon, González-

                    Rojas, Fahy, Hevesi, Dinowitz, Seawright, Jacobson, Aubry, Wallace,

                    Kelles, Steck, Glick, L. Rosenthal, Barrett, Otis, Solages, Gallagher,

                    Ardila, Raga, Epstein, Burgos, Lavine, Cunningham, Bores.  An act to

                    amend the Public Health Law and the Insurance Law, in relation to

                    providing information to patients and the public on policy-based


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Ms.

                    Rozic, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is advanced

                    and the bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A01245-A, Rules

                    Report No. 208, L. Rosenthal.  An act to amend the Labor Law, in

                    relation to providing notice to unemployment applicants of the

                    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Special Supplemental

                    Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Ms.

                    Rosenthal, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is

                    advanced.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect on the 120th


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A01302, Rules Report

                    No. 209, L. Rosenthal.  An act to amend the Tax Law and the State

                    Finance Law, in relation to providing taxpayer gifts for the Cure

                    Childhood Cancer Research Fund.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by --

                    excuse me.  On a motion by Ms. Rosenthal, the Senate bill is before

                    the House.  The Senate bill is advanced.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A01909, Rules Report

                    No. 210, Zinerman, Simon, Aubry, Raga, Walker, Carroll, Glick.  An

                    act to amend Chapter 696 of the Laws of 1987 [sic] relating to

                    providing hospitals, orphan asylums and other charitable institutions

                    in the City of New York with water and remitting assessments


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    therefor, in relation to exempting certain non-profit community

                    gardens from payment for water usage and supply.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Ms. Zinerman to explain her vote.

                                 MS. ZINERMAN:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for

                    allowing me to explain my vote.  I just want to start out by saying, oh

                    happy day.  Community gardens are very special places in

                    communities.  The first community farm garden was actually

                    established in 1902, and that tradition has continued all over New

                    York City since that time.  The first farm garden was established in

                    the Dewitt-Clinton Park, and Mrs. Henry J. Parsons was responsible

                    for that groundbreaking work.  In 1974, the City Office of Housing,

                    Preservation and Development approved the lease for $1 a month for

                    people to operate the Bowery Houston Community Farm and Garden,

                    becoming the first one in the City of New York.  Gardeners built 60

                    vegetable beds during that time.

                                 As we all know that during the pandemic, we were all

                    outside -- or we were indoors and we needed a place to gather.

                    Community gardeners were responsible for distributing PPE, they

                    helped establish some of the first community refrigerators to deal with

                    hunger.  It was a place where people could go and heal and support


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    one another, and they were able to beautify neighborhoods and make

                    sure that we had fresh foods to eat.  I am proud to have a number of

                    community gardens in my district, and certainly I want to thank the

                    Brooklyn Queens Land Trust for the over 40 gardens they have in and

                    around Brooklyn and Queens who continue this tradition of

                    beautifying our community, establishing social places, and again,

                    providing fresh foods.  This is an opportunity for us to say thank you

                    to the volunteers who have toiled in those gardens, and now they don't

                    have to pay for the water that has brought much joy to the spaces.

                                 So thank you all for sponsoring this bill, and I

                    conclude my remarks.  Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I vote in the


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Ms. Zinerman in the


                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A01963, Rules Report

                    No. 211, Joyner, Clark, Raga, Simon, Kelles, Dinowitz, L. Rosenthal,

                    Burgos, Epstein, Aubry, O'Donnell, Ardila, Zaccaro, Carroll, Lavine,

                    Reyes, Glick, Burdick, Zinerman, González-Rojas, Hevesi,

                    Levenberg, Weprin, Mamdani, Anderson, Jackson, Cruz, Hyndman,

                    Forrest, Septimo, Seawright, Bronson, Cunningham, Meeks, Alvarez,

                    Pretlow.  An act to amend the Family Court Act and the Criminal

                    Procedure Law, in relation to the custodial interrogation of juveniles


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    by law enforcement.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A02176, Rules Report

                    No. 212, Epstein, González-Rojas, Gibbs, Otis, Chandler-Waterman,

                    Darling.  An act to amend the Social Services Law, in relation to

                    reporting of youth placed in foster care settings and recruitment of

                    foster parents; and to repeal Section 2 of Chapter 11 of the Laws of

                    2021 relating to directing the Office of Children and Family Services

                    to make information publicly available on the number of youth placed

                    in foster care settings and recruitment of foster parents and the

                    effectiveness thereof.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Mr. Epstein to explain his vote.

                                 MR. EPSTEIN:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I rise to

                    explain my vote.  It's so critical in a time where we see children

                    coming to the State from all over -- all over the world, really knowing

                    what their needs are and what their support is.  This bill really is an

                    extender of a bill we passed a few years ago, ensuring that we have

                    good data information about unaccompanied minors and separated

                    children, and if they're here in New York, we know that they're here

                    and we know we can provide them services.  It's critical that we have


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    this information, because we can make informed decisions based on

                    this information.

                                 I'm voting in favor of this bill and I hope all my

                    colleagues do the same.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Mr. Epstein in the


                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A02216, Rules Report

                    No. 213, Morinello.  An act to amend Chapter 658 of the Laws of

                    1978 relating to incorporation of the Lewiston No. 1 Volunteer and

                    Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Association, in relation to its purpose

                    and the use of foreign fire insurance premium taxes.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Mr.

                    Morinello, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is

                    advanced.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A02609-A, Rules


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Report No. 214, Hyndman, McDonald, Aubry, Sayegh, Darling,

                    Bendett, Slater, Novakhov, Walker.  An act to amend the Public

                    Health Law, in relation to sickle cell disease detection and education.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A02917, Rules Report

                    No. 215, Glick, Simon, Jackson, González-Rojas, Epstein, L.

                    Rosenthal, McMahon, Kelles, Fahy, Burdick, Lavine, Stern, Colton,

                    Hevesi, Dinowitz, Rivera, Simone, Burgos, Levenberg, Bores, Paulin,

                    Reyes, Thiele, Shimsky, Ardila.  An act to amend the Environmental

                    Conservation Law, in relation to making contests, competitions,

                    tournaments and derbys to take wildlife unlawful.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A03729, Rules Report

                    No. 216, Paulin, Otis, Forrest, Raga.  An act to amend the Public

                    Health Law, in relation to retail clinics.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A03749, Rules Report

                    No. 217, Maher, E. Brown, Bendett, DeStefano, Lemondes, Brabenec,


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    McDonough.  An act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law, in

                    relation to granting peace officer status to uniformed court officers in

                    the Town of Montgomery.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 Mr. Maher, congratulations on your first bill.


                                 Enjoy it, sir.

                                 The Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A03981, Rules Report

                    No. 218, Jackson.  An act to amend the Public Health Law, in relation

                    to hospital care for mastectomy, lumpectomy, and lymph node

                    dissection patients.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect January 1st.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04008, Rules Report

                    No. 219, Pheffer Amato, Colton, Santabarbara.  An act to amend the

                    Retirement and Social Security Law, in relation to accidental

                    disability retirement for uniformed court officers and peace officers

                    employed in the Unified Court System.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 ACTING SPEAKER BORES:  Are there any other

                    votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 Mr. Benedetto for an announcement.

                                 MR. BENEDETTO:  Yes, Mr. Speaker, please right

                    now, the Corrections Committee should be meeting in the Speaker's

                    Conference Room, if they would go there tout suite.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER BORES:  Corrections

                    Committee in the Speaker's Conference Room immediately.

                                 The Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04092, Rules Report

                    No. 220, Byrnes.  An act to amend the Public Authorities Law, in


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    relation to the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER BORES:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER BORES:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04106, Rules Report

                    No. 221, Gallahan, Palmesano.  An act to amend the Public Officers

                    Law, in relation to waiving the residency requirement for the Clerk to

                    the Seneca County Board of Supervisors.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER BORES:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER BORES:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Are there any other

                    votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04135, Rules Report

                    No. 222, Weprin.  An act to amend the Public Health Law and the

                    Insurance Law, in relation to clinical standards for utilization review


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    of care for medically-fragile children; to amend a chapter of the Laws

                    of 2022 amending the Public Health Law and the Insurance Law

                    relating to enhancing coverage and care for medically-fragile children,

                    as proposed in legislative bills numbers S.2121-C and A.289-C, in

                    relation to the effectiveness thereof; and to repeal certain provisions of

                    the Public Health Law and the Insurance Law relating to medically-

                    fragile children.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Mr.

                    Weprin, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is

                    advanced.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04139-A, Rules

                    Report No. 223, Lupardo, Raga, Carroll, Bichotte Hermelyn, Clark, L.

                    Rosenthal, Otis, Septimo, Simon, Joyner, Zaccaro.  An act to amend

                    the Agriculture and Markets Law, in relation to providing additional

                    duties of the Community Gardens Task Force.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Ms.

                    Lupardo, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is

                    advanced.  Read the last section.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04472, Rules Report

                    No. 224, Ramos, Weprin, Taylor, L. Rosenthal, Thiele, Colton, Reyes,

                    Carroll, Jacobson, Glick, Sayegh, Simon.  An act to amend the Civil

                    Practice Law and Rules, in relation to time limitations for filing

                    claims for certain injuries.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04487, Rules Report

                    No. 225, Ramos, Reyes, Cruz, Epstein, Levenberg, Hyndman, Gibbs,

                    Zinerman.  An act to amend the Civil Service Law, in relation to the

                    creation of an annual report on the race and ethnic data of individuals

                    who have taken a civil service examination.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04696, Rules Report

                    No. 226, Kim, Colton, Hevesi, Levenberg, Simon, Maher, Bendett,

                    Reyes, Darling, De Los Santos.  An act to amend the New York State

                    Urban Development Corporation Act, in relation to assistance for

                    certain small businesses.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Mr.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Kim, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is advanced.

                    Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect on the 90th


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Mr. Kim to explain his vote.

                                 MR. KIM:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  I rise to explain

                    this bill and how it will be important to our small business

                    community, especially those in the dry cleaning and nail salon

                    business.  So many of our local mom-and-pops had to shut down

                    before and during and after COVID because of the extreme

                    regulations, as well as the cost of doing business in terms of capital

                    improvements.  Many years ago, the State stepped in to help with

                    some of the capital costs.  We're reactivating the -- these -- the State

                    agencies to get more -- to get directly involved with help with mom-

                    and-pops as they try to finance equipment that can cost up to $120,000

                    for a machine, or retrofitting a ventilation system that can cost up to

                    $150,000, which mom-and-pop stores cannot do.  If we do not

                    intervene, we're just laying the groundwork for more chain stores to

                    take over our communities, and when we have more chain stores over

                    mom-and-pops, every dollar we spend in those chain stores are

                    immediately going out of our communities.  When we spend money in

                    our mom-and-pop, family-owned small businesses, their dollar is


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    being recirculated in our local economy eight, ten times over.  That's

                    why it's important that we do our part to invest in our mom-and-pops.

                                 Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I support this bill.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Mr. Kim in the


                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04717-A, Rules

                    Report No. 227, Epstein, Reyes.  An act to amend the General

                    Business Law, in relation to requiring consumer reporting agencies to

                    contact consumers when requests are made for their consumer reports.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04720, Rules Report

                    No. 228, McDonald.  An act to amend the Infrastructure Investment

                    Act, in relation to public employees' supervision, examination, review

                    and determination of acceptability of public works projects performed

                    by contractors.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04820, Rules Report

                    No. 229, Rivera, Benedetto, Bronson, Clark, Colton, Conrad, De Los

                    Santos, Dinowitz, Glick, González-Rojas, Hevesi, Jackson, Jacobson,

                    Lunsford, McDonough, Meeks, Peoples-Stokes, Reyes, L. Rosenthal,

                    Seawright, Septimo, Sillitti, Simon, Steck, Taylor, Thiele, Stirpe,

                    Stern, Ardila, Walker.  An act to amend the Real Property Law, in


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    relation to requiring the disclosure of lead-based paint test reports in

                    real estate transactions.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04868, Rules Report

                    No. 230, Peoples-Stokes.  An act to amend the Tax Law and the State

                    Finance Law, in relation to providing for taxpayer gifts for diabetes

                    research and education and establishing the Diabetes Research and

                    Education Fund.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04903, Rules Report

                    No. 231, Kelles.  An act to amend the Mental Hygiene Law, in

                    relation to accessing substance use disorder services based on the

                    individual's gender identity, gender expression and/or sexual


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04956, Rules Report

                    No. 232, Solages, Simon, Wallace, Otis.  An act to amend the Social

                    Services Law, in relation to establishing an emergency heating energy


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    assistance program benefit.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04972-A, Rules

                    Report No. 233, Braunstein, Bores.  An act to amend the Real

                    Property Tax Law, in relation to extending certain provisions relating

                    to a partial tax abatement for residential real property held in the

                    cooperative or condominium form of ownership in a city having a

                    population of one million or more.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.  Pack 2.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A04994, Rules Report

                    No. 234, Blankenbush, Gray.  An act to amend the Criminal

                    Procedure Law, in relation to permitting the electronic appearance of

                    a defendant in the County of Jefferson.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                               (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05014, Rules Report

                    No. 235, Gray, Blankenbush, Bendett, DeStefano, J. M. Giglio.  An

                    act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law, in relation to designating as

                    peace officers certain Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority security


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed and Mr. Gray, congratulations.

                    First bill, I'm told it only happens once.


                                 The Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05021-A, Rules

                    Report No. 236, Gray.  An act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to

                    extending the authorization granted to the County of St. Lawrence to

                    impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Mr.

                    Gray, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is advanced.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Home Rule message is at the desk.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 Mr. Gray, back to back but no applause this time.

                                 The Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05075, Rules Report

                    No. 237, McDonald, Fall.  An act to authorize William Schumaker

                    and Mark Hennessy to receive certain services credit under Section

                    384-d of the Retirement and Social Security Law.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Home Rule message

                    is at the desk.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05113, Rules Report

                    No. 238, Gunther, Simon, Sayegh, McDonald.  An act directing the


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Commissioner of Health to conduct a study on the rates of

                    reimbursement made through the New York State Medicaid durable

                    medical equipment, orthotics, prosthetics and supplies program for

                    rate adequacy and patient access; and providing for the repeal of such

                    provisions upon expiration thereof.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Mrs.

                    Gunther, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is

                    advanced.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                              (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05164, Rules Report

                    No. 239, Pheffer Amato, Colton.  An act to amend the Retirement and

                    Social Security Law, in relation to authorizing service credit for

                    unpaid or reduced paid child care leave for members of the state

                    police twenty year retirement plan.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05205, Rules Report

                    No. 240, Pheffer Amato, Colton, Santabarbara.  An act to amend the

                    Retirement and Social Security Law, in relation to providing a lung

                    disease presumption for correction officers, correction supervisors,


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    deputy sheriff patrol, or deputy sheriff patrol supervisors.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Mr. Fitzpatrick to explain his vote.

                                 MR. FITZPATRICK:  Yes, Mr. Speaker, to explain

                    my vote.  We are at the time of year where we start seeing the bills

                    that increase and enhance benefits.  I am not opposed in principle to

                    expanding or improving a benefit, but it is my opinion that these

                    benefits should be one at the bargaining table.  In my opinion it is not

                    unfair or unreasonable to ask the other side to put something on the

                    table to help offset the cost of this benefit enhancement or benefit

                    increase to the taxpayers.  It is for that reason that I oppose this

                    measure.  And again, not opposed to improving benefits but this

                    should be done at the bargaining table.  Collective bargaining is there

                    for a reason.  It should be used for this purpose as well.  Thank you

                    very much.  I'll be voting in the negative.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Mr. Fitzpatrick in the


                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                              (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05208, Rules Report


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    No. 241, Pheffer Amato, Aubry, Colton, Santabarbara.  An act to

                    amend the Retirement and Social Security Law, in relation to

                    providing a heart disease presumption for correction officers,

                    correction supervisors, deputy sheriff patrol or deputy sheriff patrol


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Mr. Fitzpatrick to explain his vote.

                                 MR. FITZPATRICK:  Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker.

                    Just as I mentioned about the previous bill, I am not opposed to

                    improving or enhancing benefits.  We all want better benefits.

                    However, those who believe in collective bargaining should use the

                    collective bargaining process in order to win this benefit.  It is not

                    unfair, nor is it unreasonable to ask those on the other side of the

                    bargaining table to put something on the table to help offset the cost

                    and the increased cost of this benefit to the taxpayers.  So again, I will

                    be voting negative on this and encourage my colleagues to seriously

                    consider doing the same.  Again, collective bargaining is there for a

                    reason.  It should be used for purposes such as this.  Thank you.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Mr. Fitzpatrick in the


                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                               (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05295, Rules Report

                    No. 242, Bores, Aubry, Hyndman, Darling, Dinowitz, Glick,

                    McDonald, Simon, Hevesi, Tapia, Jacobson, Reyes, Alvarez, D.

                    Rosenthal, Gibbs, Cruz, Steck, Zinerman, Rozic, Taylor, Bronson,

                    Sillitti, Burgos, Colton, Lucas, Brabenec, Carroll.  An act to amend

                    the Labor Law, in relation to inventions made by employees.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05308-A, Rules

                    Report No. 243, McDonald.  An act to amend the Public Officers

                    Law, in relation to the filing of financial disclosure statements.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect April 1st.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk will record the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05331, Rules Report

                    No. 244, Hawley.  An act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to

                    extending the period during which the County of Orleans is authorized

                    to impose additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On a motion by Mr.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Hawley, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is

                    advanced.  Home Rule message is at the desk.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05355, Rules Report

                    No. 245, Maher, E. Brown, Brabenec, McDonough.  An act to amend

                    the Village Law and the Public Officers Law, in relation to permitting

                    village justices of the Village of Maybrook to live in the towns of

                    Montgomery or Hamptonburgh.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05370, Rules Report

                    No. 246, Paulin, Thiele, Seawright, Lupardo, Dinowitz, Jackson,

                    Meeks, Hevesi, Bronson, Magnarelli, Brabenec, McDonough,


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Lunsford, Kelles, Zebrowski, Steck, Anderson, Simon, Glick, Vanel,

                    L. Rosenthal, Williams, Bichotte Hermelyn, Walker, Otis, Sayegh,

                    Stirpe, Woerner, Stern, Sillitti, Jacobson, Cook, Carroll, Gallagher,

                    Colton, Fall, Aubry, Forrest, Cruz, Clark, Santabarbara, Hunter, Fahy,

                    Jones, Zinerman, Buttenschon, De Los Santos.  An act to amend the

                    Public Health Law, in relation to creating the health emergency

                    response data system.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05550, Rules Report

                    No. 247, Thiele, Colton.  An act to amend the Environmental

                    Conservation Law, in relation to designating the Montauk Point shoals

                    area as an important bird area and making such area part of the New

                    York State Bird Conservation Area Program.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect on the 60th


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05587, Rules Report

                    No. 248, Wallace, Sayegh, Kelles, Gunther, Kim, Jacobsen, Brabenec.

                    An act to amend the Public Health Law, in relation to establishing the


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    office of hospice and palliative care access and quality.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect on the 180th


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Ms. Walsh to explain her vote.

                                 MS. WALSH:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  I just rise to

                    -- and I don't see the sponsor here right now but I wanted to thank the

                    sponsor for bringing this bill forward again this year.  I think this is a

                    really important bill, especially because of the conversation that many

                    of us have had with advocates supporting the other bill which may or

                    may not be taken up this year having to do with medical aid in dying.

                    I think that improving hospice and palliative care is really, really

                    important in our State.  We can do better and I think that as the

                    Hospice and Palliative Care Association is supporting this bill said

                    that this bill really is the most readily identifiable approach to

                    improving hospice utilization in New York State.  So I'm very proud

                    to support it and I look forward to seeing it pass.  Thank you.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Ms. Walsh in the


                                 Mr. Blumencranz to explain his vote.

                                 MR. BLUMENCRANZ:  Thank you.  I would also

                    just like to thank the sponsor and I wholeheartedly agree with my


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    colleague.  Hospice and palliative care in New York has a very long

                    way to go to achieving a level of access to care and quality of care that

                    we would expect from our healthcare system here in New York.

                    Many areas in Upstate and Long Island have very little access to

                    hospice or high-quality hospice and let this be the first step of many to

                    bringing our ability to serve the people of New York in a way that

                    they deserve end of life to the forefront of the conversation we have

                    here today.  I will be in the affirmative.  Thank you.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Mr. Blumencranz in

                    the affirmative.

                                 Ms. Wallace to explain her vote.

                                 MS. WALLACE:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for

                    giving me the opportunity to explain my vote.  This bill would

                    establish the Office of Hospice and Palliative Care within the

                    Department of Health.  One of the things that we learned during the

                    pandemic is that because hospice and palliative care is just such a

                    different entity from our traditional health-related organizations like

                    hospitals and nursing homes, sometimes they are overlooked.  So this

                    would provide a central office where hospice and palliative care

                    workers across the State can reach out and make sure that they have

                    sort of one person that they can express their concerns to and

                    determine how different regulations might impact them.  It also will

                    hopefully help us increase the utilization of hospice and palliative care

                    across our State because New York State ranks as one of the lowest in

                    the nation in terms of hospice and palliative care utilization.  So I


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    know we all appreciate what amazing work that they do and thank you

                    for supporting this legislation.  I'm proud to vote in the affirmative.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Ms. Wallace in the


                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes for the purposes of a


                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, if you

                    could please call the Ways and Means Committee to the Speaker's

                    Conference Room.  It will be our last committee for the day.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Ways and Means,

                    Speaker's Conference Room immediately, please.  Thank you.

                                 Clerk will read.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Assembly No.

                    A05656, Rules Report No. 249, Levenberg.  An act to amend the

                    Criminal Procedure Law, in relation to designating uniformed court

                    officers in the Town of Ossining, County of Westchester as peace


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk will record the vote.)


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Are there any other

                    votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05742-A, Rules

                    Report No. 250, Slater.  An act to amend the Public Officers Law, in

                    relation to waiving the residency requirement for the commissioner of

                    planning, development, and public transportation for Putnam County.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk will record the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.  Congratulations, Mr. Slater on

                    your first bill.


                                 The Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05762, Rules Report

                    No. 251, Lupardo, Colton.  An act to authorize the City of

                    Binghamton to offer an optional twenty [sic] year retirement plan to

                    firefighter Scott Pavlick.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Home Rule message is

                    at the desk.  Read the last section.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05781, Rules Report

                    No. 252, Magnarelli, Stirpe.  An act to amend the Public Authorities

                    Law, in relation to the Syracuse Regional Airport.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk will record the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05806, Rules Report

                    No. 253, Burdick.  An act to amend Chapter 405 of the Laws of 2011,

                    relating to authorizing the lease of lands located at the State

                    University of New York at Purchase, in relation to the permitted use

                    of proceeds from the lease of such lands.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05821-A, Rules

                    Report No. 254, Lavine, Thiele.  An act to amend the Public Health

                    Law, in relation to the minimum age for lifeguards.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect on the 90th


                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05835, Rules Report

                    No. 255, Lavine, Colton, Sillitti, Aubry, Simon.  An act to amend the

                    Civil Practice Law and Rules, in relation to exempting applications for

                    an extreme risk protection order from requiring an index number fee.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  On a motion by Mr.

                    Lavine, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is

                    advanced.  And the bill is laid aside.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05862, Rules Report

                    No. 256, Buttenschon.  An act to authorize Douglas Brenning of the

                    Village of New York Mills to take a competitive civil service

                    examination for the position of police officers and be placed on the

                    eligible list for employment as a full-time police officer for the Village

                    of New York Mills Police Department.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Home Rule message is

                    at the desk.  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05885, Rules Report

                    No. 257, Weinstein, Taylor, Epstein.  An act to amend the Tax Law,

                    in relation to the enforcement of delinquent tax liabilities by means of

                    the suspension of licenses to operate a motor vehicle.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  On a motion by Ms.

                    Weinstein, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is

                    advanced.  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05915, Rules Report

                    No. 258, Kim, Rozic, Paulin, Gibbs, McDonald.  An act to amend the

                    Elder Law, in relation to the naturally occurring retirement


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    community supportive service program.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  On a motion by Mr.

                    Kim, the Senate bill is before the House.  The Senate bill is advanced.

                    Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A05985-A, Rules

                    Report No. 259, L. Rosenthal, Simon, McDonald, Reyes, Fahy.  An

                    act to amend the Public Health Law, in relation to physician

                    coursework or training in nutrition.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Read the last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect --

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A06084-A, Rules

                    Report No. 260, Jean-Pierre, Eachus, Burdick, Santabarbara, Pheffer


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Amato, Rajkumar, Raga.  An act to amend the Parks, Recreation and

                    Historic Preservation Law, in relation to Gold Star families.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Read the -- read the

                    last section.

                                 THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect April 1st.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 Are there any other votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A06090, Rules Report

                    No. 261, Anderson.  An act to amend the Banking Law, in relation to

                    including participation in a banking development district as a factor

                    when assessing a banking institution's record of performance.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The bill is laid aside.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. A06208, Rules Report

                    No. 262, Joyner, Hevesi, Cruz, Burgos.  An act to amend the Workers'

                    Compensation Law, in relation to the parties' rights to a hearing upon

                    application to the workers' compensation board and requiring a

                    stenographic record of all hearings held.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  Read the last section.

                                               THE CLERK:  This act shall take effect immediately.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER GIBBS:  The Clerk will record

                    the vote.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 (The Clerk recorded the vote.)

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Are there any other

                    votes?  Announce the results.

                                 (The Clerk announced the results.)

                                 The bill is passed.

                                 Going to resolutions --

                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, colleagues

                    can now go to page 3 on our main Calendar and take up our

                    resolutions for the day.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Certainly, thank you.

                    Resolutions page 3, Assembly No. 499, the Clerk will read.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 499, Ms. Solages.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 18, 2023, as Haitian Unity Day in the

                    State of New York, in conjunction with the observance of Haitian

                    Heritage Month.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On the resolution, all

                    those in favor signify by saying aye opposed, no. The resolution is


                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 546, Mr. Anderson.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim April 2023, as Second Chance Month in the

                    State of New York, in conjunction with the observance of National

                    Second Chance Month.


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Mr. Anderson on the


                                 MR. ANDERSON:  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  On the


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Yes, sir.

                                 MR. ANDERSON:  Thank you, sir.  So April 2023 is

                    National Second Chance Month and it was declared such by the Biden

                    Administration and so we want to make sure that here in the State of

                    New York we have a Second Chance Month, an opportunity to one;

                    make sure that the individuals who do need a second chance who are

                    reintegrated into society are the ones that we are uplifting and

                    prioritizing.  And so this is an important resolution for me and I'm

                    glad to be reintroducing this resolution again this year and my hope is

                    that we continue to prioritize justice-involved individuals as they

                    reintegrate into society.  So Mr. Speaker, I hopefully encourage all my

                    colleagues to vote yes on this resolution, thank you.  And I'll be in the


                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  Certainly.  On the

                    resolution all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The

                    resolution is adopted.

                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 547, Ms. Rajkumar.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 26, 2023, as Guyanese Independence

                    Day in the State of New York.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On the resolution, all


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is


                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 548, Mr. Cunningham.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 26, 2023, as Guyana Flag Day in the

                    State of New York.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On the resolution, all

                    those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is


                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 549, Ms. Rosenthal.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 28, 2023, as Menstrual Hygiene Day

                    in the State of New York.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On the resolution, all

                    those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is


                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 550, Ms. Jean-Pierre.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 2023, as Military Appreciation Month

                    in the State of New York.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On the resolution, all

                    those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is


                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 551, Mr. K. Brown.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim September 2023, as Recovery Month in the

                    State of New York.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On the resolution, all

                    those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is


                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 552, Mr. Brabenec.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim September 2023, as Onion Appreciation

                    Month in the State of New York.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On the resolution, all

                    those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is


                                 THE CLERK:  Assembly No. 553, Mr. Manktelow.

                                 Legislative Resolution memorializing Governor

                    Kathy Hochul to proclaim October 21, 2023, as Pets for Veterans Day

                    in the State of New York.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  On the resolution, all

                    those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is


                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  Mr. Speaker, do you

                    have any further housekeeping or resolutions?

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  We have no

                    housekeeping, but a few fine resolutions which we will take up with

                    one vote.  On the resolutions, all those in favor signify by saying aye;


                    NYS ASSEMBLY                                                            MAY 24, 2023

                    opposed, no. The resolutions are adopted.

                                 (Whereupon Assembly Resolution Nos. 554-557

                    were unanimously approved.)

                                 Mrs. Peoples-Stokes.

                                 MRS. PEOPLES-STOKES:  I now move that the

                    Assembly stands adjourned until Thursday, May the 25th, tomorrow

                    being a legislative day and that we reconvene at 12 noon on May the

                    30th, Tuesday being a Session day.

                                 ACTING SPEAKER AUBRY:  The Assembly stands


                                 (Whereupon, at 2:48 p.m., the Assembly stood

                    adjourned until Thursday, May 25th, Thursday being a legislative day,

                    and to reconvene on Tuesday, May 30th at 12:00 p.m., Tuesday being

                    a Session day.)
