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New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)
                          Adjusted      Executive   Legislative                       
                           Approp.        Request       Approp.
                           2000-01        2001-02       2001-02      Change

  General Fund           7,449,000     17,053,200     7,621,500  (9,431,700)
  Special Rev.-Fed.        730,000      4,396,700       469,700  (3,927,000)
  Special Rev.-Other             0      2,135,400             0  (2,135,400)
  Fiduciary                400,000        766,000       400,000    (366,000)
  Internal Service Fund          0      3,949,100             0  (3,949,100)
  Total for 
  STATE OPERATIONS:      8,579,000     28,300,400     8,491,200 (19,809,200)

  General Fund          47,400,000     44,000,000    47,400,000   3,400,000 
  Special Rev.-Fed.         95,000        135,000       135,000           0 
  Fiduciary                200,000        200,000       200,000           0 
  Total for 
  AID TO LOCALITIES:    47,695,000     44,335,000    47,735,000   3,400,000 

Agency Mission

The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) is responsible for stimulating the performing and fine arts in New York State. The Council works to expand and encourage cultural resources and promote interest in the arts in the State. The Council is also responsible for administering grants to local not-for-profit arts organizations.

Year-to-Year Change

The Executive proposes the creation of a new agency, the Office of Cultural Resources (OCR), which would assume jurisdiction over the State Museum, the State Library and the State Archives. These programs are currently administered by the State Education Department (SED). The Executive proposes the transfer of $9,431,700 for the new agency from SED, reflecting half-year funding to allow for the transition from SED. The Executive also proposes the transfer of nine miscellaneous programs, totalling $10,377,500, from SED to the new agency.

The Governor recommends a General Fund Aid to Localities appropriation of $44,000,000, reflecting a decrease of $3,400,000 from enacted State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2001-02 levels.

Legislative Changes

The Assembly rejects the Executive's transfer of SED programs to OCR.

The Assembly rejects the Executive's transfer of SED programs to OCR.

The Assembly rejects the Executive's transfer of SED programs to OCR.

The Assembly rejects the Executive's transfer of SED programs to OCR.

The Assembly rejects the Executive's transfer of SED programs to OCR.

$(9,431,700)     ST/GEN

$(3,949,100)     ST/INT

$(3,927,000)     ST/SRF

$(2,135,400)     ST/SRO

$(366,000)     ST/EXP

Legislative Proposals

The Assembly provides per capita and decentralization guidelines for distribution of local arts grants. Specifically, the guidelines provide that 50 percent of the grants be awarded to primary institutions and that each county receive 40 cents per capita of population in local arts funding. These guidelines will assure that grants are distributed equitably to all organizations throughout the State.

The Assembly provides an additional $3,400,000 for local arts grants, representing full restoration to State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2000-01 levels. This funding will help to further promote the arts in local communities and encourage local economic development activity.